Welcome to the Kontent.ai developer resources!

You can find some useful guidelines here that might help you get your OS project right.

Getting started

Whether you're developing a simple tool or a full-fledged SDK, our developer resources are the right place to help you jumpstart your project. Make sure that your code and project adheres to our naming conventions and go through the checklist before you publish your work.

For majority of Kontent.ai-related repositories, we recommend having automated workflows in place. CI & Automation section covers these scenarios for all major tech stacks. If you're releasing your tool to its respective package manager, make sure to follow SemVer guidelines!

If you're looking for a piece of information you couldn't find in this documentation, check out Related resources section for a comprehensive list of both internal and community-maintained sources of information on our product.

Contact us!

If you find any issues with this documentation or you feel like it's missing some important information, don't hesitate to contact us at devrel@kontent.ai or join us at our Discord server:

Kontent.ai Discord

Code of conduct

The Kontent.ai team is committed to fostering a welcoming community, therefore all our projects has adopted the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.