

Strongly-typed models

The IDeliveryClient interface supports fetching of strongly-typed models.

// Initializes a client
IDeliveryClient deliveryClient = DeliveryClientBuilder

// Basic retrieval

// Strongly-typed model retrieval

This approach is beneficial for its:

Defining a model

The models are simple POCO classes, which means they don’t have any attached behavior or dependency on an external framework.

Typing the properties

Typing simple elements

Here are the data types you can use for different content type elements:

Typing Linked Items

For linked items elements, use either IEnumerable<T> or any concrete implementation of ICollection<T> such as List<T> or HashSet<T>.

Depending on your scenario, use one of the following as the data type parameter <T>:

Typing Rich text

For Rich text elements, use either string to receive HTML code resolved using string-based resolver as outlined in Rendering linked items in Rich text or IRichTextContent to retrieve rich text content as structured data.

Typing Date and time

For Date and time elements, use either DateTime? to pure DateTime? value or IDateTimeContent to retrieve DateTime as structured data.

Typing Custom elements

For Custom elements, use the string type. Custom elements behave as simple text-based elements.

Naming the properties

By default, the model properties and content elements are matched by codenames of the elements. The SDK tries to convert the element codenames to PascalCase. For example, a content element with the codename of article_title translates to a property called ArticleTitle.

If you need to change the codename of an element that a property is bound to, you can enrich the property with the Kontent.Ai.Delivery.ContentItems.PropertyNameAttribute attribute.

public string ArticleTitle { get; set; }

If you also want to set the behavior of the Newtonsoft and don’t want to map the same element to different properties, you can use the Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.

public string ArticleTitle { get; set; }


You can find sample models at

Generating models

:information_source: You can save time by generating content type models for your environment using the .NET code generator utility.

Retrieving content items

Both the GetItemAsync and GetItemsAsync client methods have their corresponding generic overloads, GetItemAsync<T> and GetItemsAsync<T>. The parameters are the same as for the non-generic variants. The only difference is that you need to specify the type parameter <T>.

You can either specify the type directly (e.g., GetItemAsync<Article>) or pass the type as the object class (e.g., GetItemAsync<object>). Use the second approach if you don’t know what the type is to let the SDK resolve it during runtime.

This parameter represents the model you want to load. You can specify the parameter in two ways:

Use the second approach if you don’t know what the content type will be and you want the application to resolve content types during runtime.

Customizing the strong-type binding logic

Adding support for runtime type resolution

The IDeliveryClient instance supports runtime type resolution. This means you can pass the object class instead of explicitly specifying the data type in the model or when calling the GetItemAsync<> method. The data type will be resolved dynamically during runtime.

For example:

object model = await client.GetItemAsync<object>(...);
Type type = model.Item.GetType(); // type will be e.g. 'Article'

For this to work, the SDK needs to know the mappings between the content types and your models.

If you want to use the runtime type resolution in your application, you need to implement the Kontent.Ai.Delivery.Abstractions.ITypeProvider interface.

public class CustomTypeProvider : ITypeProvider
  public Type GetType(string contentType)
      case "article":
        return typeof(Article);
      case "office":
        return typeof(Office);


        return null;

Next, you either register the type provider within IServiceCollection

services.AddSingleton<ITypeProvider, CustomTypeProvider>();

or pass it to the DeliveryClientBuilder.

CustomTypeProvider customTypeProvider = new CustomTypeProvider();
IDeliveryClient client = DeliveryClientBuilder

Generating custom type providers

Similarly to models, you can generate implementations of ITypeProvider by using the .NET code generator tool and specifying the --withtypeprovider true parameter. Generated CustomTypeProvider interface implementation is extensible - you can customize it by overriding/overloading its members.

Customizing the property matching

Currently, the automatic matching is based on the codenames being converted to PascalCase.

If you want to customize the way content elements and model properties are matched, you need to implement the Kontent.Ai.Delivery.Abstractions.IPropertyMapper interface and pass it to the DeliveryClientBuilder class.

// Implements a custom property mapper
public class CustomPropertyMapper : IPropertyMapper
  public bool IsMatch(PropertyInfo modelProperty, string fieldName, string contentType)
    // Add your logic here
    return modelProperty.Name.ToLower() == fieldName;

// Registers the custom property mapper to the IServiceCollection or other framework you are using for dependency injection
    .AddSingleton<IPropertyMapper, CustomPropertyMapper>();

// Registers the custom property mapper within a delivery client using builder
CustomPropertyMapper customPropertyMapper = new CustomPropertyMapper();
IDeliveryClient client = DeliveryClientBuilder

Customizing the strong-type resolution mechanism

To replace the whole model instantiation mechanism, you need to implement the Kontent.Ai.Delivery.Abstractions.IModelProvider interface. It contains a single member:

Task<T> GetContentItemModelAsync<T>(object item, IEnumerable linkedItems);

The objective is to create an instance of <T> by utilizing the data provided in the item and linkedItems properties.