


The following information applies to Rich text model properties typed as string. In case you are using structured data model type IRichTextContent, see Structured Rich text rendering

Content items and components in Rich text

Rich text elements in can contain components and other content items. For example, if you write a blog post, you might want to insert a video or testimonial to a specific place in your article.

Without adjusting your application, any component or content item in a Rich text element will resolve to an empty object reference, which won’t be rendered on the page.

<object type="application/kenticocloud" data-type="item" data-codename="donate_with_us"></object>

To display the component or content item in the rich text on your website, you need to define how it should be rendered:

  1. Define a model for the content type of the item or component.
  2. Implement a resolver of inline content.
  3. Register the resolver within the IDeliveryClient instance.
  4. Retrieve content of a Rich text element.

For example, let’s say you want to add YouTube videos to your article. In such case, you would need a content type YouTube video with a single Text element for the Video ID.

To learn more about content items and components in rich text, see our API Reference.

Defining a content type model

First, you need to define a strongly typed model of the YouTube video content type. For more information about models, see Working with strongly typed models.

For example, a model for the YouTube video content type can look like this:

namespace DancingGoat.Models.ContentTypes
    public class YoutubeVideo
        public string VideoId { get; set; }

You will also want to register your new model in your implementation of the ITypeProvider interface. See an example in our sample application.

      case "youtube_video":
          return typeof(YoutubeVideo);

Tip: To save time, use the .NET code generator and have the strongly typed models of your environment’s content types generated for you.

Implementing a resolver

Your resolver must implement the IInlineContentItemsResolver interface, which defines the Resolve() method for resolving components and linked items to HTML markup.

Note: Make sure the resolver returns a valid HTML5 fragment. Providing an invalid HTML5 fragment can cause your application to render the item or component incorrectly.

// Sample resolver implementation
public class YoutubeVideoResolver : IInlineContentItemsResolver<YoutubeVideo>
        public string Resolve(YoutubeVideo data)
                $"<div><iframe type=\"text/html\" width=\"640\" height=\"385\" style=\"display:block; margin: auto; margin-top:30px ; margin-bottom: 30px\" src=\"{data.VideoId}?autoplay=1\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></div>";

If the resolver or the content item itself is not available, the object reference is replaced by an empty string (in a live environment) or an appropriate error message (in a preview environment).

When are content items available?

Components are always available, as they are part of the Rich text element.

Registering a resolver

Once you implement the resolver, you need to either register it in IServiceCollection

// Registers the resolver and provider in IServiceCollection
// or another framework you are using for dependency injection
    .AddDeliveryInlineContentItemsResolver<YoutubeVideo, YoutubeVideoResolver>();
    .AddSingleton<ITypeProvider, CustomTypeProvider>();

or within the IDeliveryClient instance by using the DeliveryClientBuilder class.

IDeliveryClient client = DeliveryClientBuilder
    // Registers inline content item resolver for the 'YouTube video' type
    .WithInlineContentItemsResolver(new YoutubeVideoResolver())
    // Registers strongly-typed models
    .WithTypeProvider(new CustomTypeProvider())

Custom default resolver

If you need to customize the application behavior for cases when no resolver exists for a specific content type, you need to implement a resolver for the object type and register it as the default resolver.

// Sample default resolver
public class MyDefaultResolver : IInlineContentItemsResolver<object>
    public string Resolve(object data)
            return "Content not available.";

Once you implement the resolver, you need to either register it in IServiceCollection

    .AddDeliveryInlineContentItemsResolver<object, MyDefaultResolver>();

or within the IDeliveryClient instance by using the DeliveryClientBuilder class.

IDeliveryClient client = DeliveryClientBuilder
    // Registers a custom resolver as the default resolver
    .WithInlineContentItemsResolver(new MyDefaultResolver())

Retrieving Rich text content

Now, when you retrieve content of a Rich text element via a strongly-typed property, content items and components based on the YouTube video type will be resolved correctly.

// Retrieves the 'Coffee beverages explained' article
IDeliveryItemResponse response = await client.GetItemAsync<Article>("coffee_beverages_explained");
Article article = response.Item;

// Retrieves text from the 'body_copy' Rich text element
string articleBody = article.BodyCopy;

The HTML output of your content item resolver is now included in the Rich text.

<div><iframe type=\"text/html\" width=\"640\" height=\"385\" style=\"display:block; margin: auto; margin-top:30px ; margin-bottom: 30px\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></div>